Thigh Reduction
This procedure involves the removal of excess skin and or fat from the thighs. Usually the inner aspect. It is performed under a General Anaesthetic and usually as a daycase.
Scars are usually vertical on the inner thigh above the knee, sometimes they may be up at the groin. The wounds are closed with dissolvable stitches and dressings applied, these should be kept dry for a week when you will be seen by the Out-patient Nursing Team for removal of dressings and assessment of healing. It is common to have reduced activity for a couple of weeks and then gradually return to full activity, it usually takes about six weeks to be back to normal. Support garments such as lycra cycle shorts are often helpful.
Though I expect everything to go smoothly there are possible complications that may occur, I will discuss this with you in detail at your consultation. General problems such as wound infection, scarring issues or blood clots. More specific problems such as scar migration, wound breakdown or tethering. Sometimes the thighs settle at different rates meaning that one side may 'heal' faster than the other. After a couple of months things are usually settled.
If appropriate a minimal scar approach can sometimes be used via the combination of VASER liposuction and Renuvion, I will discuss this with you at consultation if appropriate for you.
Adnova Clinic

Spire Cosmetic Surgery

- Breast Augmentation
- Breast Lift/Mastopexy
- Breast Reduction
- Gynaecomastia Correction
- Abdominal Reduction
- Liposuction
- Arm Reduction
- Thigh Reduction
- Renuvion
- Labiaplasty
Our Procedures

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