Breast Augmentation


Operating at the Adnova Clinic in Fareham and the Spire Portsmouth Hospital in Havant

Breast Augmentation/Breast Implants

Breast Augmentation is a surgical procedure carried out under general anaesthetic to increase the size of your breasts. This is achieved by placing a silicone implant under the breast tissue or muscle of the chest wall.

Is breast augmentation right for me?

If you are looking for improvement in the appearance of your breasts, then breast augmentation could be right for you. Breast augmentation can enhance your appearance and self–confidence. However, you should think carefully about your expectations and we will discuss them prior to your surgery.

Please use the Contact Us page to book a consultation, so I can explain in full detail the breast augmentation process.

In the meantime here are some things to think about prior to your consultation.

What Size?

It is important to think about the size you would like to become – pictures or friends can be of help. Remember breast augmentation changes your cup size, not your chest size, so bear this in mind when thinking of your goals.

A helpful way to approach this is to wear a sports bra of your preferred cup size, fill a plastic bag with rice, water or padding until you reach the desired look – this will give you a good idea of the implant size that would suit you best.

Bring the sports bra to your consultation where you will have the opportunity to trial some implants in your bra.

What can I expect at my consultation?

At your consultation I will explain in detail the process of breast augmentation. I will ask you some questions about your general health and also carry out an examination to determine the best method of augmentation for you.

You are welcome to bring a friend or family member with you and ask as many questions as you like – I want you to be 100% comfortable with all of the details before you undergo any surgery.

Once you have decided to go ahead, you will be invited back for a second consultation at no charge, this is necessary. You will be asked to sign a consent form and have the opportunity to ask any other questions. During this time I will also take pre–operative photographs for reference after you operation.

What happens on the day of surgery?

Admission will be on the day of your operation and I will visit you on the ward to go over the process again, answer any questions and ease any nerves or worries. You will also meet your Anaesthetist who will talk through any concerns regarding your anaesthetic. Breast Augmentation is usually a daycase procedure but occasionally an overnight stay is appropriate.

Please bring a sports bra with you, we will put it on for you, at the end of the operation to give you comfort and support.

I recommend that you continue to wear the bra, as much as possible, for the first two weeks and then during the day for the next month. This encourages the breast tissue and scars to heal, settle and give aid to a good long–term outcome.

Breast Augmentation is usually a Daycase procedure but occasionally patients stay overnight.

What do I do if I'm worried after the operation?

When you leave hospital you will have an appointment to see the Outpatient Nurses in a week's time for a wound check. I will see you in my clinic three months later for a follow–up.

What are the risks?

Although I hope and expect that your surgery will be trouble free, unfortunately complications can sometimes occur.

There can be general problems such as nausea from the anaesthetic and mild post-operative discomfort which are fairly minimal.

Other more important problems include unpredictable scar quality, haematoma (a collection of blood around the implant which needs to be removed in the operating room), infection and capsular contracture (scar tissue envelope around the implant). These will all be explained in more detail during your consultation.

What can I do to help?

Smoking increases all complications of surgery and should be avoided for at least a month before your procedure. Similarly the contraceptive pill should be stopped for a month prior to surgery.

Can I still Breastfeed?

Yes, there is no evidence to suggest that breast implants will prevent your ability to breast feed. The only thing to be aware of is if your nipple sensation is altered you may find it more difficult.

There have been some reports from the United States about silicone being discharged in the breast milk. A study has shown that the level of silicone in breast milk is lower than in formula milk. A report from the Medical Devices Agency in the United Kingdom has shown that there is no evidence to link the silicone with any problems with the baby. Please also bear in mind the fact that teats for bottles are made of silicone and are siliconised.

Can my breast implants cause cancer?

When you undergo a routine mammogram you should make the radiographer aware that you have breast implants, they will then modify the examination to account for this and ensure a complete assessment is performed.

Sometimes ultrasound examinations are of benefit in women with implants to detect breast lumps or to evaluate the implant. Another useful technique is an MRI scan to establish the integrity of the implant, the screening department will advise you whenever necessary.


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