Arm Reduction – Brachiaplasty


Operating at the Adnova Clinic in Fareham and the Spire Portsmouth Hospital in Havant

Arm Reduction

The formal name for this surgery is brachiaplasty but other terms such as arm lift are used.

The procedure is usually performed as a daycase under a general anaethetic with admission on the day of surgery. The surgery usually takes around an hour and a half. The wounds are closed with dissolvable stitches, dressings and bandages. The dressings etc. will be removed after a week in the out–patient department and the bandages or compression garments worn for about six weeks.

The scar is usually on the inner aspect of the upper arm, above the elbow, occasionally into the armpit. Though this usually settle nicely. It is possible for the scar to be a bit thickened or more prominent. Other risks include wound infection or breakdown, these and other risks will be discussed in detail at your consultation. It is normal for your arms to be somewhat swollen after surgery and this settles over a period of about six weeks. The bandaging helps to reduce and control this but you should be prepared for restriction on activity for the first few weeks after your operation.


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